CHG Investments

CHG Investments, a division of The Carrie Holle Group, is an investment company staffed with a team of experienced professionals. We bring a diverse set of skills to the table, including market analysis, property valuation, and financial modeling. Our specialization lies in identifying properties with high potential for appreciation and rental income, ensuring attractive returns for our investors.

Our Comprehensive Services


Property Identification

We employ a comprehensive screening process to identify properties with the potential for value appreciation and rental income.

A living room with various furniture with cream-color décor, a stone fireplace, and large windows.

Due Diligence

Our team conducts in-depth property analysis, covering aspects such as physical condition, legal compliance, and market trends to ensure informed investment decisions.


Rental Property Search

Whether you're seeking a rental property for stable income or long-term investment, we can assist you in finding the right properties.


Flipping Opportunities

If you're interested in flipping properties for profit, we can identify potential properties with the highest upside for your investment and connect you with contractors to do the work.


Multi-Family Buildings

Explore the advantages of multi-family real estate investments with our guidance, and discover the potential for substantial returns.


Property Management Referrals

We can connect you with trusted property management services to ensure your real estate investment is well-maintained and profitable.


Airbnb Analytics/

For those interested in short-term rentals, we provide Airbnb analytics and can refer management services to optimize your property's performance.

A modern house with floor-to-ceiling windows and a pool.

Wholesale Purchasing

We offer access to wholesale property purchasing opportunities, allowing investors to acquire properties at competitive prices.


Off-Market Deals

Through our industry connections, we can source off-market real estate opportunities that may not be available through traditional channels.

Work With Us

At the Carrie Holle Group, we appreciate superb quality and customer service in our personal lives. We want our clients to experience a gold-standard of service when buying or selling a home, just as we would expect ourselves.